Success Stories

Stories from people using Sing & See in their voice training

If you would like to contribute something please add your own story here

Patrick Cunningham – Voice Studio, Arizona

“I have used Sing and See Pro in my voice studio for the past several years. On a weekly basis, I work with 50-60 voice students, ages 7 to 70, from beginners to professionals, all styles of music. The software is especially useful in teaching intonation and breath management. The visual feedback and recording functions greatly simplify objective documentation of student progress.

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Daniel Kay – Djarts Voice Studio, Brisbane

Djarts Voice Studios are based in Brisbane Queensland. As a progressive contemporary studio we pride ourselves on delivering effective up-to-date vocal pedagogy in a manner fit for our excellent clientele. We have taken every opportunity to ensure the learning experience is productive. Our engagement of the ‘Sing and See’ vocal analysis software is just one example of how we are continually looking for ways to enhance the lesson time.

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Dianna Rhodes – High School Teaching

Diana Rhodes is a registered secondary school teacher who has latterly devoted 10 years of her career to teaching singing in secondary schools in Auckland, New Zealand. She says that she spent several years awaiting software like Sing & See, after she became aware of the possibilities in developing technology, and it has not disappointed her. Here are some of her comments and suggestions for using Sing & See:

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Martin Ashley – Bristol Voices

Martin Ashley is Professor of Education at the University of Edge Hill in the United Kingdom. He has published significantly in the area of boys and singing and continues to research the gender imbalance in singing and other performing arts, including dance. Professor Ashley first used Sing & See in the “BRISTOL VOICES” project which aimed to encourage children, especially boys, to continue singing in choirs

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