Teacher Stories

Stories from teachers using Sing & See in their studios and classrooms

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Sing&See Makes a Huge Difference

Starting with the original beta version years ago, I have used Sing & See virtually every day during teaching sessions. Sing & See is an integral and vital part of my teaching process. Feedback from singers of all ages, levels and genres has been consistently positive. I also use Sing & See as part of introductory sessions with prospective students in order to target areas for improvement and goal setting. The visual feedback is quickly understood, and is invaluable in demonstrating areas of strength, which builds confidence in beginning singers. Prospective students are impressed with a high tech approach to vocal improvement which contrasts to endless “drill and kill” training they may have known. It has been years since an introductory session has not resulted in student enrollment. Several students have purchased Sing & See to work on intonation and onset issues (beginners) or resonance and vibrato (advanced). I highly recommend Sing & See.

—Patrick Cunningham, Arizona Music Project, Chandler, Arizona, USA
By: Patrick Cunningham

Karmyn Tyler Cobb – NY

“I have used Sing and See for quite sometime in my studio and I find it one of the best tools for teaching voice. I work with all types of voices: beginner to advanced vocalists as well as professional speakers. For the beginning singer, it is hands down the best way for them to “see” when they are not matching pitch. When they do “see” it becomes easier for them to understand adjustments that I give to improve phonation. It can be even more useful if a teacher learns how to read spectrograms (i.e. Scott McCoy, DMA with NATS.) Then you can help a vocalist see when their tone is breathy, thin, pushed or irregular. Every vocal teacher needs this in their studio!”

Karmyn Tyler Cobb – KT Vocal Studio

Cross instrument success at the Elder Conservatorium

I used to use Sing and See sporadically in the teaching of Mixed Belt to both Classical students and the Jazz students in workshops. The spectrogram shows clearly the shift of energy to the upper partials in Mixed Belt. It has also been very useful in language classes when working with vowels.

Recently I have been been using the pitch trace frequently during one to one voice lessons.

The biggest recent success has been an Honours Flute player who was not reaching the desired standard because of out of tune playing. I suggested she do her Minor Recital in Voice. I have used the pitch trace extensively with this girl, training her to hear the notes BEFORE she goes near the onset. This has been very successful with her singing, but most exciting was that she has just won the local Flute Eisteddfod against very good competition.

I have set up a practice room with the program for the singers, but it is also beeing used extensively by the string players who want to see where their vibrato is actually sitting.

Patrick Power,Elder Conservatorium of Music.Adelaide

By: Patrick Power O.N.Z.M.

Sing & See in Finland

Recently the Pohjois-Kymen musiikkiopistossa put on a workshop about using technology in music teaching. The College’s cello teacher Mikko Lehtola has been using Sing & See and demonstrated this to a group of singing teachers at a workshop on May 8th. He is leading a project –  “LABRA – making instrumental studies more efficient through use of music technology” – which is funded by the Finnish ministry of education.

Mikko Lehtola is also using Sing & See in teaching his cello students – and some other instrumentalists, violinists and flautists, are also finding it useful.

Here is a photo from the event showing the use of Sing & See on a large smart display.

Sing & See in Finland

18-year-old Sally Mattila, rehearsing with singing teacher Anne Korpelainen and the computer program Sing & See. Photo by Tiina Aho (kouvolansanomat.fi)

Laulun ja soiton opiskelu on siirtynyt nykyaikaan, julistaa pilke silmäkulmassaan Emilia Vesalainen. Pohjois-Kymen musiikkiopistossa laulua opettava Vesalainen on yhdessä kollegansa Anne Korpelaisen kanssa innoissaan Labra-hankkeesta, joka tekee tietotekniikasta työkalun musiikkiopintoihin.

Elokuussa alkaneen hankkeen ideoija ja vetäjä on opiston sellon soiton lehtori Mikko Lehtola, jonka mukaan musiikkiteknologia selvästi kiinnostaa nuoria — enemmän kuin aikuisia. Tällä hetkellä musiikkiopintojaan tehostaa tietotekniikalla noin 10 Mikko Lehtolan sello-oppilasta. Lisäksi joukkoon kuuluu muun muassa viulisteja, huilisteja ja klarinetisteja.

Labra-hankkeessa mukana olevan oppilaan treeniapuna kotona ovat tietokone, lisensoidut harjoitusohjelmat, kaiuttimet ja mikrofoni. Tietokoneruudulle ilmestyvät nuotit ja kursori, joka osoittaa, missä kohdin kappale etenee. Suorituksen lopuksi ohjelma antaa palautteen.”

Patrice Barnes – Singing Teacher in Calgary

Patrice Barnes has a successful voice studio in Calgary, Alberta and has been using Sing & See with most of her students to great effect. “I cannot say enough good things about Sing and See because daily while working with students, I can find another use for Sing and See. It is the best thing I have been able to introduce to my Studio and all the results are so very positive!”

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Patrick Cunningham – Voice Studio, Arizona

“I have used Sing and See Pro in my voice studio for the past several years. On a weekly basis, I work with 50-60 voice students, ages 7 to 70, from beginners to professionals, all styles of music. The software is especially useful in teaching intonation and breath management. The visual feedback and recording functions greatly simplify objective documentation of student progress.

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Daniel Kay – Djarts Voice Studio, Brisbane

Djarts Voice Studios are based in Brisbane Queensland. As a progressive contemporary studio we pride ourselves on delivering effective up-to-date vocal pedagogy in a manner fit for our excellent clientele. We have taken every opportunity to ensure the learning experience is productive. Our engagement of the ‘Sing and See’ vocal analysis software is just one example of how we are continually looking for ways to enhance the lesson time.

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Dianna Rhodes – High School Teaching

Diana Rhodes is a registered secondary school teacher who has latterly devoted 10 years of her career to teaching singing in secondary schools in Auckland, New Zealand. She says that she spent several years awaiting software like Sing & See, after she became aware of the possibilities in developing technology, and it has not disappointed her. Here are some of her comments and suggestions for using Sing & See:

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Martin Ashley – Bristol Voices

Martin Ashley is Professor of Education at the University of Edge Hill in the United Kingdom. He has published significantly in the area of boys and singing and continues to research the gender imbalance in singing and other performing arts, including dance. Professor Ashley first used Sing & See in the “BRISTOL VOICES” project which aimed to encourage children, especially boys, to continue singing in choirs

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