Stories from non-vocal users

Stories from people using Sing & See with non-vocal musical instruments – e.g. violin, cello, other strings, wind, and brass. Let us know what else you’re doing with the software!!

If you would like to contribute something please add your own story here

[An Indian flute player] Quite an interesting product

I am a classical bansuri (Indian bamboo flute) player from India. I had bought this product couple of years ago after much thought and interaction with William and have been quite happy with its performance. It helps me at least know about the modulation level in my flute and sometimes I also use it for training my vocal cords. I am quite happy to use it and hope the continuous product improvement will increase ones ability to learn music in a much better way. I think it can have applications in speech therapy, leadership training (as voice is an important factor for leaders, watch The King’s Speech). It could help people who have stammering problem and are afraid to speak on the stage. I wish William a great luck and best wishes from the land of The Buddha! I will pray for his success.

Siddhartha Priya, Alumnus – IIT Kharagpur (B. Tech.), IIM Ahmedabad (MBA), ESSEC (France), Solvay (Belgium)

By: Siddhartha Priya

[An Indian flute player] Quite an interesting product

I am a classical bansuri (Indian bamboo flute) player from India. I had bought this product couple of years ago after much thought and interaction with William and have been quite happy with its performance. It helps me at least know about the modulation level in my flute and sometimes I also use it for training my vocal cords. I am quite happy to use it and hope the continuous product improvement will increase ones ability to learn music in a much better way. I think it can have applications in speech therapy, leadership training (as voice is an important factor for leaders, watch The King’s Speech). It could help people who have stammering problem and are afraid to speak on the stage. I wish William a great luck and best wishes from the land of The Buddha! I will pray for his success.

Siddhartha Priya, Alumnus – IIT Kharagpur (B. Tech.), IIM Ahmedabad (MBA), ESSEC (France), Solvay (Belgium)

By: Siddhartha Priya

Using Sing&See in Harmonica Playing

Singandsee is not just for singers! It is the perfect for harmonica players as well!

Without getting to involved in the technical aspects of harmonica playing (yes it can be quite technical) most harmonicas are 10 hole diatonic instruments – seven pitches. However, to play Blues requires ‘bending’ (altering the pitch) of notes and, for a beginner, this can be a real challenge but with Singandsee you can practice (and practice and practice) and see when you have it just right – not to mention playing it back and listening to the ‘cool blues’ that you are playing!!!

But wait there’s more; a diatonic harmonica can be played as a chromatic instrument as well (this is very advanced). Chromatic meaning 12 pitches each a semi apart – this requires advanced techniques, and a lots of practice. Once again with the Singandsee you can see the notes on screen and, equally important, use the playback for aural training and confirming when you have the scale and/or song just right.

Gold Coast

Cross instrument success at the Elder Conservatorium

I used to use Sing and See sporadically in the teaching of Mixed Belt to both Classical students and the Jazz students in workshops. The spectrogram shows clearly the shift of energy to the upper partials in Mixed Belt. It has also been very useful in language classes when working with vowels.

Recently I have been been using the pitch trace frequently during one to one voice lessons.

The biggest recent success has been an Honours Flute player who was not reaching the desired standard because of out of tune playing. I suggested she do her Minor Recital in Voice. I have used the pitch trace extensively with this girl, training her to hear the notes BEFORE she goes near the onset. This has been very successful with her singing, but most exciting was that she has just won the local Flute Eisteddfod against very good competition.

I have set up a practice room with the program for the singers, but it is also beeing used extensively by the string players who want to see where their vibrato is actually sitting.

Patrick Power,Elder Conservatorium of Music.Adelaide

By: Patrick Power O.N.Z.M.