
Posts containing the tag "harmony":

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Using Sing & See in Barbershop

As I’m sure you know, the barbershop style of music, and especially the “ringing” of chords, demands that each member of the quartet be on the same pitch and have the same vowel sound.

I use Sing and See to check my pitch on songs while practicing my part alone, especially on those songs where I have a bass pickup notes, to ensure that I am exactly on pitch. The visual feedback helps tremendously in establishing the correct pitches into my brain muscle memory, much more so than trying to match a pitch pipe.

I also use the spectrogram to check the vowel matching of the quartet. We can easily see when the chord is ringing by the explosion of color all the way up the spectrum.

Thanks for a great product and look forward to continue to using it to help our quartet.

Walt Lammert