
Posts containing the tag "singer":

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Typical pitch variation

Question: Can anyone provide me with some info on how much variation around a particular note is considered “normal”?

The wave displays as being centered on the note that I’m attempting to sing (so that’s good), but the peaks and valleys stray from that line more than I would have predicted (edging on being both flat and sharp). I’m wondering if this is typical.
Thanks guys


Helping a rank amateur

I’m 72 and took up singing by joining a local Barbershop Chorus a little over a year ago with no experience or training.  (Something to do in retirement!) Being a long time techie guy, I loaded myself down with all the appropriate tech tools I could find in despartion.  Sing & See was one of those.  Progress has been slow, but they haven’t kicked me out yet, so I guess that means something.  Anyway, I have found that Sing & See is the program I use most frequently – usually in conjuction with other programs.  It’s the only one I have found that is able to record my efforts visually with any degree of usefulness. It has helped me to at least be acceptible.  Pavarotti need not rise from the grave to defend his status, but Tiny Tim definity would. While there are some improvements I would like to see, it is worth the $. I know it seems relatively expensive, but I’m of the old school – you get what you pay for. I have no complaints on that score (pun intended).
By: Bill Nott

Helping a rank amateur

I’m 72 and took up singing by joining a local Barbershop Chorus a little over a year ago with no experience or training.  (Something to do in retirement!) Being a long time techie guy, I loaded myself down with all the appropriate tech tools I could find in despartion.  Sing & See was one of those.  Progress has been slow, but they haven’t kicked me out yet, so I guess that means something.  Anyway, I have found that Sing & See is the program I use most frequently – usually in conjuction with other programs.  It’s the only one I have found that is able to record my efforts visually with any degree of usefulness. It has helped me to at least be acceptible.  Pavarotti need not rise from the grave to defend his status, but Tiny Tim definity would. While there are some improvements I would like to see, it is worth the $. I know it seems relatively expensive, but I’m of the old school – you get what you pay for. I have no complaints on that score (pun intended).
By: Bill Nott